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Wednesday, 7 November 2012

Microsoft building Xbox Surface gaming tablet

Support website The Verge has reported that hardware thinking of the device -- named the Xbox Surface - is usually underway after appropriate specs were leaked the government financial aid June.

The new tablet requires the fight to help Apple's recently produced iPad Mini that has a custom ARM processor and an abundance of RAM - adapted specifically towards game playing.

According to this Verge, this new supplement will run some sort of custom version of Windows rather than the full operating system found on the Microsoft Surface Master.

So although typical tablet functions will likely be available, this might be a different beast on the Microsoft's other supplement creations.

Several Xbox-related houses at Microsoft's company in Silicon Valley are locked down to help keep secrecy - and let other members on the Xbox contingent to commence work on video game titles and software.

It's highly likely we'll view the Xbox Surface prior to a rumoured Xbox 720 obtains any airtime.


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