Judge agrees to hear questions of jury foreman strength in Samsung v. Apple trial.
It seems at this point that the patent wars will continue. After quite the demo concerning patents and trade dress between Apple and Samsung, appeals thereafter and plenty of arguing outside court it seems Samsung may have another way to find the previous ruling overturned. Since the judgment came requiring Samsung to cover $1. 05 billion in injuries to Apple, a whole large amount of information concerning the integrity in the trial's jury foreman has enter into light.
Judge Lucy Koh has thought i would hear statements from Samsung that can call into question set up jury foreman withheld information that would have kept him from being a suitable juror in case. Also in question is the number of information Apple had on the foreman's past and whether or not they should have reasonably been supposed to disclose that information. Samsung must prove not only that the actual juror lied about his knowledge but also that it affected the results of the trial.
Sit tight men and women, this isn't going to be over whenever soon.
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