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Monday 24 September 2012

Is the United States actually 'retreating? '

You'll find two must-read articles in current press: Pankaj Mishra's "America's Inevitable Retreat through the Middle East" in the Nyc Times, and Edward Luce's cautionary "An Us recovery? Don't believe the hype" within the Financial Times.

Mishra does an excellent job of tracing why U. S. involvement in the Middle East is likely to decline in the years ahead. Not only has the Us pursued policies that have alienated the majority of people in this region, but it cannot count on compliant dictators and monarchs to complete our bidding. Instead, governments of all types might be more sensitive to popular notion, which bodes ill for U. S. efforts to shape the particular region's future.

But is this a bad thing? The problems that the Middle East might face in the years ahead -- social unrest, youth being out of work, contentious domestic politics, poorly formulated institutions, etc. -- are by their very nature difficult for outsiders to correct. In fact, as we've mastered in Iraq and Afghanistan, extensive and direct efforts to mold the politics of thousands of people whose traditions differ from ours will certainly fail, and especially when the majority of people are angry about our earlier policies. And as you've most likely noticed, even our more well-intentioned failures tend to be very expensive. Luce's slightly gloomy prognosis just reinforces this time: A sluggish U. S. recovery will inevitably limit what the us can do, and if we keep wasting lives and funds on fool's errands, recovery will likely be delayed even more.

One should not overstate these trends, of study course. Richard Nixon used to complain that the us was becoming a "pitiful, dependent giant, " which was wrong then and is also wrong today. The United States will likely be the world's most powerful country for quite some time to come; it just won't contain the same sort of influence that once enjoyed. The real question is how it will adjust to a slightly more modest role, and what strategies it will adopt going forward. To act in response intelligently, the United States should overcome the psychological barrier of the somewhat reduced role, and to discover how to take advantage of America's enduring strengths rather then constantly doing things that challenge them.

And that brings us to my main complaint having Mishra's article: his use of the word "retreat. " If Americans view a lower role as a "retreat" -- having all its defeatist implications -- are going to more likely to face a new domestic backlash from neocons along with other hardliners shouting "appeasement" and demanding increased defense spending as well as a renewed commitment to knocking brain together. Framing this trend like a "retreat, " therefore, will delay the mandatory adjustments and squander additional sources.

By contrast, if this trend is seen as a farsighted and voluntary adjustment to new conditions and strategic things, then the risk of backlash will likely be reduced and the shift won’t have much if any relation to America’s perceived credibility elsewhere. In this sense, the idea of a new strategic "pivot" to Asia had been smart rhetoric. We aren't being driven out from the Middle East; we're just choosing to assign resources where they will do us the most great.

More broadly, the key to making these adjustment lies in convincing Americans to take into consideration their global role differently. Instead of harping on our "global duties, " Americans ought to focus instead on the national interests. The litmus test of any foreign policy commitment seriously isn't what it will do intended for others, but rather what it will do for us. (Doing both equally is perfectly ok by us, but first things first).

America's current global posture as well as strategic toolbox were developed during the Cold War, when the major challenge was a well-armed and also easily identifiable great power foe. In that environment, it made sense for the us to secure what George Kennan termed the "key centers of business power. " The U. Ohydrates. achieved this goal through an energetic leadership role in NATO, its bilateral treaty relations in Asia, and its various security commitments within the Persian Gulf. The effort that the us and Soviet Union expended throughout places like Indochina or Afghanistan had been mostly wasted (and at excellent cost to these societies). Fortunately for us, we had a lot more resources to waste.

Times have changed. The United States may face a fresh peer competitor in the not-too remote future, but right now almost all security problems arise from local rivalries, failng states, and regional quagmires. In these circumstances, the main strategic objective is always to stay out of the quicksand. On top of that, we could try to stick potential rivals while using burden of trying to solve intractable problems. Passing the buck to others isn't some kind of inglorious retreat; it's actually a smart strategy that will leaves the us better prepared to deal to comprehend serious challenges when they occur.


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